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Medicine Stick Fallout New Vegas

Sep 28, 2011 - The Medicine Stick is a beast. I'm kind of glad that the new weapons are expensive because after lonesome road my Courier had about 80,000 caps and I didn't have. The Medicine Stick is a unique weapon added with the Fallout: New Vegas add-on, Gun Runners' Arsenal. The Medicine Stick is a variant of the brush gun. It can hold 8 rounds of.45-70 Gov't, has an item HP of 200, an obstructive rear sight, and is clean in appearance. Nov 10, 2015 - Those who play Fallout: New Vegas understand the power and benefit of the brush gun variant Medicine Stick. The weapon deals a healthy.

What are usually people's ideas on the greatest weapons in the game?I'meters at the end of a work with all óf the DLCs completed, right before the fight at the dám. I'll be wearing Enclave energy shield, but I'm attempting to choose what weaponry to get. I've acquired good luck making use of the Dinner Bell and the shotgun benefits (Shotgun Cosmetic surgeon and the one particular that adds knock down), but it could be much better against armored opponents. I also use the Scout Gun a lot, but it's damage could be higher. When I look at the weapon stats, the gauss rifle seems to end up being pretty much the greatest in the video game, with both high harm and high DPS, and relatively lighting ammunition compared to some of the weighty weaponry that might contend with it. I've long been messing around with the GRA weapons, too, but none of them seem better than what I've long been using.Furthermore, it seems like the ballistic fist can be the best melee/unarmed weapon. There's i9000 a YCS/186 Gauss Gun obtainable at a mercenary camp east of Brooks Tumbleweed Ranch that does more harm than the normal Gauss Rifle but isn'capital t available if you have the Crazy Wasteland trait since the merc having the YCS/186 will end up being changed by an alien captain transporting an Alien Blaster rather (the Alien Blaster is certainly guaranteed criticals though, therefore it's nevertheless one of the best weaponry).

There's a youtube video clip displaying where it't at simply because nicely which is definitely what I utilized to find it for the first time. Various other good weaponry are usually the Anti-material Rifle, Medicine Stay, Christine's CoS silencer rifle (or This Machine or Paciencia if you wear't desire to have around 2 sniper guns), AnnabeIle, Thump-Thump, TesIa-Beaton prototype, ánd Pew-Pew.aIl of which use various ammunition. The HoIorifle (and to á less level, the Multiplas Rifle) will be a fastér-firing but Iower damage per shot substitute to the Gauss Rifle, and Big Boomer will significantly even more harm per photo when likened to Dinner Bell but can open fire only as soon as before reloading.Thé Ballistic Fist can be definitely powerful but I think (not sure though) the Thermic Lance might become able to out-damagé it. The Thérmic Puncture is basically an automated tool so you require to keep down the button when assaulting an foe and it doesn't seem to work well in VATS. There'beds a YCS/186 Gauss Gun accessible at a mercenary get away far east of Brooks Tumbleweed Farm that will more damage than the regular Gauss Rifle but isn't obtainable if you have got the Wild Wasteland characteristic since the merc holding the YCS/186 will end up being replaced by an alien captain having an Alien Blaster rather (the Alien Blaster will be assured criticals though, therefore it'beds nevertheless one of the greatest weaponry).

There'h a youtube movie showing where it't at mainly because nicely which will be what I used to discover it for the first time. Some other good weapons are the Anti-material Gun, Medicine Stay, Christine's CoS silencer gun (or This Device or Paciencia if you wear't need to carry around 2 sniper rifles), AnnabeIle, Thump-Thump, TesIa-Beaton prototype, ánd Pew-Pew.aIl of which use various ammunition. The HoIorifle (and to á smaller degree, the Multiplas Rifle) is a fastér-firing but Iower damage per photo choice to the Gauss Rifle, and Big Boomer does significantly more harm per photo when likened to Supper Bell but can fire only once before reloading.Thé Ballistic Fist is certainly definitely powerful but I believe (not really sure though) the Thermic Puncture might become capable to out-damagé it. The Thérmic Lance is fundamentally an automatic weapon so you need to keep down the switch when attacking an foe and it doesn't appear to function nicely in VATS. Searching through thé wiki, I cán find that the Oh, Child! (I really liked making use of this weapon), Cutting tool of the West, Knock-Knock, Super Sledge, Saturnité Fist Super-héated (out-damages BaIlistic Fist if yóu possess Pyromaniac), Protonic Inversal Axe, and Gehenna are all top-tier weapons, but of course the Ballistic Fist can be as well. I did not remember to point out this, btw, but if yóu're also fascinated in throwing weapona then protonic inversal tossing axes are the greatest by significantly (and, IMO, the only appropriate end-game throwing tool) but, personally, I by no means saw the stage to using them rather of grenades.

Individually I discover the survivalist gun to be the greatest 'gun'. It offers decent harm and a very nice price of fireplace with an appropriate cut.

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There isn'testosterone levels really anything to complain about and about nothing to evaluate to it in it'beds variety. Anything else is either stronger but a lot slowly, or faster but a lot weaker. Nevertheless weapons can differ by what perks you choose up. The Riot shotgun with évery ammo-type will be a flexible beast. The medicine stick is definitely great for a cówboy.Melee: I sórt of like getting a big three in terms of weaponry for various plots.

Gehenna is certainly very good if you are usually prepared to obtain pyromaniac, but still good if you put on't. Chance's blade is too good if you are usually ready to obtain two relatively easy to get perks, cowboy, ánd grunt, which bóth provide a 25% reward, and the quickness on it can be godly. You'll become dealing huge amounts of damage and banging somebody down every 1-2 secs. However my 3rd pick is certainly the Edge of the Western world. While it does decent harm, it's genuine kicker is usually it't crit.

It doesn't possess a higher crit, but I believe you can get somewhere around a 54% possibility to crit (Although the math might end up being off by a few%) and 3.4 assaults per second. Nevertheless crit sensible it'h not noticeable, but on á crit it knócks down cómbing it with thé knockdown perk means you actually have a better possibility to hit down than chance's cutlery. Normally I Ioadout with the lnversal axe and thé Oh yea Baby! Simply to round out what I require for particular situations.Power weapons: Elijah't Advanced LAER I think mostly best everything. Huge energy and a great speed.

Additional weapons possess more energy, but with thé max-load ór effective ammo I personally proceed Advanced LAER for many situations. It's at the point where heading any higher in harm just makes a weapon too slow. The Jury Rigged Tesla cannon is great strength with it'h Us dot to end up being fair, but it's a right 40 over two seconds. Still beat by thé LAER. Thé YCS is usually a sniper rifle and isn't really suited for most combat, make use of it to enter a battle or try and end one from happening from afar.

Sometimes you simply can't perform that.Explosives: You are heading to wish Mercy. Greatest gun in video game overall fingers down I believe (And I do think it will be legit the greatest in terms of DPS). You would like something deceased? 3.1 projectiles per second, that have 100 forceful damage before perks? Toss in a plasma circular and you're great.

If you have got pyromaniac, attempt the fire rounds, slightly less harm than the plasma and less AoE range, but you'll do some Us dot for the heIl of it. Thé nuka grenades are good too if you need to throw something behind a part and the 25mmeters is good for general use. Portal 2 chamber 18. I suppose the Esther is definitely great if you need a fatman, but I continually found fatmans sort of dumb. I never even used them in fallout 3, felt more like cheating or cumbersome.Unarmed: I personally just make use of every unarmed weapon.

Unarmed was better IMO béfore DLC because théy had mostly every weapon you needed before DLC. The Saturnite heated up is great with pyro just as gehenna can be, I including the flexibility. I like thé paladin toaster, commercial fist, and Pushy for most of my unarmed needs. Download avg internet security 2019 crack.

They offer consistent harm and are usually great for most circumstances without getting to get a benefit in pyrómaniac. And Fist óf North Rawr because it has an amazing name (Crazy Wasteland Only, normally it's just fist of ráwr). The baIlistic fist as nicely for if I want to shotgun fist something. Normally I think it'beds rather slow. Veronica can beat Lanius with it even though, so there's that I imagine.

Depends on the construct. I've done a Grunt build as soon as or double, really obtained a lot of work performed with the All-American. Super flexible gun, useful at quite significantly any variety with good damage.For my Cowboy runs I've tried Are generally Longue Carabine, Paciéncia (which I recognize doesn't function with the pérk but flavour smart it suits the build), and the Medicine Stick.

Longue Carabine worked until I obtained into the DLCs, then it didn't package more than enough oomph. Paciencia has higher crit harm and crit opportunity and a better spread, but outside of that Medicine Stick offers it defeat in all types by a good perimeter.For sidearms I carry the Ranger Sequoia, That Weapon, and Lucky. My preference rates in that order.For sniping I believe an improved sniper rifle/Christine's CoS are usually the best options, with the Anti-Mat rifle arriving in 3rd.Wear't understand much about melee or power weaponry but I perform like Blood-Náp from Lonesome Road.

Chance's Blade is furthermore good and can become found within 5 mins of beginning. I just play on hardcore mode and I usually carry the MF Hyperbreeder Alpha dog; it's a animal and perfect for working with low/mid tier baddies or bumping out pretty significantly anything this part of a deathcIaw with a surprise attack vital barrage most of without requiring any ammo. Medicine Stick can be quite freaking good, as well. I've arrived at a good level on my current play-through (hardcoré with JSawyer mód) and now I'meters only holding the Hyperbreeder and Medicine Stick. I would also go along with people above who have mentioned That Weapon, Survivalist's Rifle, and YCS/186.

This area is usually from. To change it, please.CharacteristicsThe laser rifle has no metal sights, but compensates with great zoom. It can end up being improved with a range, producing it much less effective in close quarters, but thanks a lot to its good precision, it can become used as a medium to long-range weapon.